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搜索结果: 76-90 共查到学术机构 历史学相关记录107条 . 查询时间(3.201 秒)
The Revista Brasileira de História is the official organ of the Associação Nacional de História - ANPUH (National Association of History), published biannually. ANPUH is a scientific ass...
Reviews in History     Reviews in History  history  humanities  历史学       2008/1/4
Welcome to Reviews in History. Launched in 1996, this e-journal publishes reviews and reappraisals of significant work in all fields of historical interest. To date, we have published over 500 reviews...
Renaissance Forum is an interdisciplinary refereed journal. It specialises in early-modern English literary and historical scholarship and in the critical methodologies of these fields. The journal is...
Relaciones es una publicación editada trimestralmente por El Colegio de Michoacán, con el fin de difundir trabajos de investigación de alta calidad académica y originalidad en su análisis, acordes al ...
Ohio History     Ohio History  history  俄亥俄州历史       2008/1/4
Ohio History was established in June 1887 as the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly. For more than one hundred years, the journal has published peer-reviewed articles and book reviews on top...
El Observatorio Social de América Latina (OSAL) es un programa especial iniciado por CLACSO a partir de febrero de 2000 orientado a promover y aportar elementos para una reflexión crítica sobre las nu...
Sólo aparecen listados los 10 últimos textos de cada sección o de cada "dossier". Por favor, entrar en la sección y luego hacer un clic en su título para consultar la lista completa.
The content of the North American Journal of Welsh Studies is comprised of material originally presented at a conference or event sponsored by the North American Association for the Study of Welsh Cul...
Nordic Notes reflects the researchers' growing and diverse needs in publishing important articles and book reviews across a range of subjects on the general field of Scandinavian Studies. It is availa...
Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit e.V. ist aus der 1975 gegründeten "Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit" hervorgega...
Mirator(图)     Mirator  history  middle ages  历史学       2008/1/7
MIRATORissa julkaistaan keskiajan tutkimusta ja aikakauden perintöä kartoittavia artikkeleita ja kirja-arvioita samojen periaatteiden mukaisesti kuin perinteisissä paperimuotoisissa tie...
Migration Letters is a biannual international journal on migration issues with an interdisciplinary perspective. The breadth of topics ranges from internal migration to transnational mobility and from...
The third issue of History in Focus brings together resources for the History of Medicine, from antiquity to the twentieth century. Focus highlights reviews, web sites and books such as The Cambridge ...
Leeds International Classical Studies is an electronic journal associated with the Leeds International Classics Seminar. It publishes articles and interim discussion papers on all aspects of Greek and...
The Micronesian Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences is a semiannual peer reviewed academic electronic journal dedicated to the study of human thought, behavior, and culture in Micronesia. Re...









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